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11-February-2020 Australia 50 Years Transcontinental Railway Wesley FDC
11-February-2020 Australia 50 Years Transcontinental Railway Wesley First Day Cover with cachet Indian Pacific Train on Bridge over Dry Creek Bed affixed with $1.10 stamp Inaugural Indian-Pacific Passenger Train tied pictorial postmark Railway Tracks and Sleepers, East Perth, WA 6004. This issue commemorates the 50th anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental standard-gauge railway. With the agreement and collaboration of the Commonwealth and state governments, standardisation of interstate rail gauges commenced in 1930 and finally completed in 1995 with the Melbourne to Adelaide route. The first uninterrupted transcontinental freight service commenced on 12 January 1970 and the new passenger service over the same route left Sydney on 23 February 1970, arriving in Perth on the morning of 26 February. This passenger service was named the Indian-Pacific after the oceans it links. The stamp depicts the inaugural Indian-Pacific passenger train with the Western Australian L class diesel-electric locomotives 260 and 261. Today the Indian Pacific travels from Sydney to Perth via Adelaide, a 4,352-kilometre journey of around 70 hours that includes the world’s longest stretch of straight track (478 kilometres) on the Nullarbor Plain.

Item #: INV-134562

Condition FDC

Pricing in AU$  

Within Australia 
A$ 5.00

(inc GST 0.45 )

Outside Australia 
A$ 4.55

(approx. US$3.05)

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