22-October-2019 Australia Fair Dinkum Aussie Alphabet Booklet Pane Wesley FDC
22-October-2019 Australia Fair Dinkum Aussie Alphabet Wesley First Day Cover (large) with M is for Meat Pie & Mud Crab cachet and affixed with Booklet Pane of 10 x $1 Peel-and-Stick stamps: M is for tied pictorial postmark Platypus, Fremantle, WA. This stamp issue draws to a close the Fair Dinkum Aussie Alphabet. It is the fifth issue in the stamp series, the first of which was released in March 2016. This issue’s round up of alpha stragglers comprises the letters D, F, I, H, M and P. It features a down-on-his-luck denturewearing digger from Deniliquin, who devours the Daily News on the dunny. It also features Freddy’s father, a fanatical Freo fan, who fantasises fully about fishing. He frequently tells Freddy some furphies about fish, and Freddy unfailingly falls hook, line and sinker. Ivan the ironman is an Aussie icon. Ironically enough, he irons, but only under the eye of his Ibis. Harriet is happy that Ivan irons, for he can handle the Hills hoist while she holidays in Hawaii, home of hibiscus and hula hoops. Meanwhile, meals prevail. The mullet-haired, moustachioed mechanic milks the mud-crab for its macadamia-macerating muscle, while the platitudinous Platypus prefers pavlova. The possum, python and pelican proffer party presents to the Platypus, but the picket gate prevents them partaking in peach and pineapple pav. (Stock - 4 Covers)
Item #: INV-134465
Condition FDC
Pricing in AU$
Within Australia
(inc GST 2.27 )
Outside Australia
A$ 22.73
(approx. US$15.23)