Australia 1973 (28 Jul) Space Cover Bean Garriott Lousma SKYLAB 2 ABC Brisbane
Australia 1973 (28 Jul) Space Cover stamped in purple "SOUNDWAVE LOGO ABC-H.O." and, in orange/red, "TO HONOUR/ SKYLAB MISSION/ PATCH, MISSION, SKYLAB II (BEAN (ALAN), GARRIOTT (OWEN), LOUSMA (JACK)" (The symbolism chosen by the astronauts for this patch reflects the primary purposes of Skylab: to study human adaptation to spaceflight and to study the earth and sun from space. It shows an image based on Leonardo da Vinci`s Vitruvian Man superimposed on a globe that is half Earth and half Sun.) and "PHILATELIC ENVELOPE" and "TO" address in Clarence Park SA and affixed with 7c mauve Marcus Clark stamp cancelled "G.P.O. BRISBANE/28JY73/QLD-AUST"
Item #: INV-128090
Condition Co
Pricing in AU$
Within Australia
(inc GST 0.45 )
Outside Australia
A$ 4.55
(approx. US$3.05)