Australia 1971 (23 Feb) Space Cover Successful Euro.-Aust. Skylark 18 Launch
Australia 1971 (23 Feb) Space Cover Cachet "IMAGE SPACECRAFT LAUNCH" and "18/SKYLARK/U.A.R. SONDE/W.R.E.- B.A.C. (AUST.-EUROPE PROJECT)/ ALTITUDE: APPROX 120 MILES/ PROJECT: STUDY OF SOLAR CORONA, AND OTHERS/ SUCCESSFULLY LAUNCHED WOOMERA SPACE CENTRE" and "NO. 310" unaddressed and affixed with 6c Sturt`s Desert Rose stamp cancelled "WOOMERA/23FE71/SA-AUST." (U.A.R. /Upper Atmosphere Research) (Sonde/ An instrument probe that automatically transmits information about its surroundings underground, under water, in the atmosphere, etc.) (W.R.E. Weapons Research Establishment) (B.A.C./ British Aircraft Corporation)
Item #: INV-130754
Condition Co
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Outside Australia
A$ 4.55
(approx. US$3.05)