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Click here for product details Dallas, Texas - The Mercantile Bank Building

Your Price
Within Australia  
A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117049
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Click here for product details Boston, Mass. The Public Gardens

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Within Australia  
A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117083
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Click here for product details Boston, Mass. Trinity Church

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117084
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Click here for product details Boston, Mass. Mechanics' Hall

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Within Australia  
A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117085
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Click here for product details Scranton, Pennsylvania - Everhart Museum

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

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Item #: INV-117090
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Click here for product details Altoona, Pennsylvania - Jaffa Mosque

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117091
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Click here for product details Altoona, Pennsylvania - Post Office

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117092
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Click here for product details Altoona, Pennsylvania - Lakemont Park

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117093
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Click here for product details Cambridge, Mass. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117086
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Click here for product details Superior, Wisconsin: State Teachers' College

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117069
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Click here for product details Mount Rainier National Park, Washington State. Narada Falls

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117104
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Click here for product details Old Glory

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117105
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Click here for product details Richmond VA - Washington Monument & Hotel Richmond

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117106
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Click here for product details Racine, Wisconsin: Hotel Racine on Lake Michigan

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117077
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Click here for product details San Francisco - Golden Gate Park, the Dutch Windmill

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117114
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Click here for product details Garden of the Gods, Colorado: The Giant Mushroom

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117115
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Click here for product details Boston, Mass. Agassiz Bridge and Back Bay Fens

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117081
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Click here for product details Boston, Mass. Lake in Public Gardens

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

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Item #: INV-117082
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Click here for product details Scranton, Pennsylvania - International Correspondence Schools

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

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Item #: INV-117089
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Click here for product details Albany, N.Y - The Lake in Washington Park

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

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Item #: INV-117101
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Click here for product details Chicago - Union Stock Yards - the Revolving Hog Wheel

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

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Item #: INV-117102
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Click here for product details Denver, Colorado - Shirley Savoy Hotel

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117103
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Click here for product details St Louis Mo - O'Fallon Park, the wading pool

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

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Item #: INV-117110
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Click here for product details Boston, Mass. Trinity Church

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117080
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Click here for product details Washington DC - Lincoln Memorial, Arlingon Memorial Bridge

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117117
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Click here for product details St Petersburg, Fla - US Veterans Hospital at Bay Pines

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117118
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Click here for product details Bagnell Dam and Lake of the Ozarks

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117119
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Click here for product details Portland, Oregon - Third Street

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117122
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Click here for product details Yosemite National Park - Mirror Lake

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A$ 12.99 
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A$ 11.81

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Item #: INV-117123
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Click here for product details Chicago - Garfield Park

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

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Item #: INV-117120
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Click here for product details Seattle, Washington - Upper 2nd Avenue

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117127
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Click here for product details St Paul, Minn - High Bridge and City Hospital

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117128
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Click here for product details Portland, Oregon - Forestry Building

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117129
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Click here for product details Rhode Island - Watch Hill - along the Shore

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117130
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Click here for product details Richmond, Virginia - Mayo Bridge over James River

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117124
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Click here for product details Richmond, Virginia - Confederate Memorial Institute

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117125
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Click here for product details Philadelphia, PA - Letitia Street house

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117126
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Click here for product details Rhode Island - Watch Hill - Light House and Coast Guard Station

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117131
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Click here for product details New Kensington, Pennsylvania - High School

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117094
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Click here for product details Albany, New York - Senate Chamber in The Capitol (1)

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A$ 12.99 
(inc. GST $1.18 )

A$ 11.81

Condition :
Item #: INV-117132
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