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Single Watermark - Pane 6
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1d Red King George V
Single Watermark - Pane 6
    Description     Price (Inc GST) Add to cart
1d KGV Smooth (thin) Paper Deep Scarlet-Red (aniline) pair, BW 71J(3)r - G19, MUH with certificate

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(Inc GST $36.36)

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1d Red, position 6/40 G17 Shade

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(Inc GST $0.55)

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1d Orange Red, position 6/21, BW 71Pa(3)m - G24½, Dot before 1, inverted watermak

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(Inc GST $34.09)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Nine (9) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Plate 3 - Seven (7) Pane 6 Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Asstd Plates/Panes - Nine Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Asstd Plates/Panes - Nine Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Asstd Plates/Panes - Nine Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Asstd Plates/Panes - Nine Varieties

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Asstd Plates/Panes - Nine Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Asstd Plates/Panes - Nine Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red King George V Single W/mark (Type 2) Asstd Plates/Panes - Nine Varieties

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Red, position 6/2

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(Inc GST $0.36)

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1d Red, position 6/2

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(Inc GST $0.36)

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1d Red, position 6/2

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(Inc GST $0.36)

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1d Red, position 6/2

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1d Red, position 6/2

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1d Red, position 6/12

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(Inc GST $0.36)

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1d Red, position 6/12

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1d Red, position 6/15, State II

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(Inc GST $0.36)

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1d Red, position 6/15, State II

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1d Red, position 6/15, State II

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1d Red, position 6/16

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1d Red, position 6/16

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1d Red, position 6/16

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1d Red, position 6/21, State I

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1d Red, position 6/21, State I

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1d Red, position 6/22

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1d Red, position 6/22

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1d Red, position 6/24

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(Inc GST $0.36)

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1d Red, position 6/24

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1d Red, position 6/24

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1d Red, position 6/24

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1d Red, position 6/24

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1d Red, position 6/24

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1d Red, position 6/30, State II

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1d Red, position 6/30, State II

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1d Red, position 6/30, State II

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1d Red, position 6/32

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1d Red, position 6/32

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1d Red, position 6/40

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1d Red, position 6/40

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1d Red, position 6/45, State II

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1d Red, position 6/59

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1d Red, position 6/15 Washed

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1d Red, position 6/30 faded

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1d Red, position 6/40

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1d Rose Carmine, position 6/3, BW 71 L - G22, MH

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(Inc GST $4.55)

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1d Scarlet Red, inverted watermark, position 6/12 2nd State, BW 71(3)a - G17, shaved top left frame

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(Inc GST $2.27)

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1d Dull Red, position 6/14 2nd State, BW 71(3) - G16, slight overhang left frame

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(Inc GST $1.82)

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1d Dull Red, position 6/15 2nd State, BW 71(3) - G16, notch lower right frame

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(Inc GST $1.45)

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1d Rose, position 6/21, BW 71(3)f - G21, dot before 1

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(Inc GST $1.36)

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1d Dull Red, position 6/22 2nd State, BW 71(3)g - G16, thin left frame

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(Inc GST $2.27)

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1d Deep Red, perf OS, position 6/22 2nd State, BW 71(3)g - G13, thin left frame

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(Inc GST $5.45)

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1d Dull Red, inverted watermark, position 6/24 2nd State, BW 71(3)a - G16, thin top left frame

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(Inc GST $2.36)

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1d Dull Red, vertical pair, inverted watermark, position 6/46,52 2nd State, BW 71(3)a - G17, cross & top frame

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(Inc GST $5.45)

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1d Rose-Red, Rough Paper, position 6/21 1st state, BW 72(3)f - G63, dot before 1

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(Inc GST $1.36)

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1d Rose-Red, Rough Paper, position 6/21 1st state, BW 72(3)f - G63, dot before 1

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(Inc GST $1.45)

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1d Pale Terracotta (Brick), perf OS, position 6/30, BW 71Q & bb - G25

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(Inc GST $12.73)

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1d Deep Red, position 6/45 2nd State, BW 71(3) - G13, cross top left corner notched

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(Inc GST $6.36)

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1d Red, inverted watermark, position 6/21, BW 71(3)f - G21, dot before 1

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(Inc GST $12.73)

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1d Rose Carmine, position 6/45 2nd State, BW 71 - G22, cross top left corner notched

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(Inc GST $2.73)

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1d Dull Red, position 6/46 2nd State, BW 71 - G16, cross & top frame

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(Inc GST $3.64)

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1d Deep Scarlet, position 6/44, BW 71j - G19, MUH, thin paper

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(Inc GST $15.91)

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1d Rose Carmine, position 6/36 2nd State, BW 71(3) - G22, shaved bottom left corner

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(Inc GST $3.18)

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1d Carmine Red, position 6/12 2nd State, BW 71(3) - G31, shaved top right

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(Inc GST $4.09)

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1d Carmine Red, position 6/55 2nd State, BW 71(3) - G31, white dash right frame

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(Inc GST $4.09)

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1d Deep Scarlet Aniline Rough Paper, position 6/15, BW 72A - G60, MUH

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(Inc GST $5.00)

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1d Rose-Red (Aniline), Rough Paper, position 6/21 1st state, BW 72(3)f - G63, dot before 1

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(Inc GST $1.36)

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1d Carmine Red, position 6/2 2nd State, BW 71(3) - G31, FU, projection bottom right corner

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(Inc GST $1.09)

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1d Rose, position 6/12 2nd State, BW 71(3) - G21, GU, shaved top left frame

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(Inc GST $0.91)

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1d Scarlet Red, position 6/12 2nd State, BW 71(3) - G17, FU, shaved top left frame

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(Inc GST $0.91)

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1d Scarlet Red, position 6/12 2nd State, BW 71(3) - G17, FU, shaved top left frame

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(Inc GST $0.91)

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1d Scarlet Red, position 6/12 2nd State, BW 71(3) - G17, FU, shaved top left frame

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(Inc GST $0.91)

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1d Scarlet Red, position 6/12 2nd State, BW 71(3) - G17, FU, shaved top left frame

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(Inc GST $0.91)

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1d Carmine Rose, position 6/12 2nd State, BW 71(3) - G30, U, shaved top left frame

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(Inc GST $1.09)

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1d Scarlet Red, position 6/15 2nd State, BW 71(3) - G17, VFU, notch lower right frame, well centered on piece

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(Inc GST $1.36)

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1d Scarlet Red, position 6/15 2nd State, BW 71(3) - G17, VFU, notch lower right frame, well centered on piece

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(Inc GST $1.36)

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1d Rose-Carmine, position 6/46 2nd State, BW 71(3) - G22, GU, Cross & top frame

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(Inc GST $1.36)

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1d Carmine-Red, position 6/46 2nd State, BW 71(3) - G10, Cross & top frame

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(Inc GST $1.09)

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1d Deep Scarlet Aniline, position 6/25 2nd State, BW 71(3) - G60, MH

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(Inc GST $3.18)

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1d Carmine Red, position 6/21 (1st State), BW 71(3)f - G31, dot before 1

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(Inc GST $1.36)

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1d Carmine Red, position 6/21 (1st State), BW 71(3)f - G31, dot before 1

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(Inc GST $1.36)

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1d Carmine Aniline, position 6/21 (1st State), BW 71(3)f - G31, dot before 1, postmarked Balrana NSW 4/05/21

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(Inc GST $2.27)

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1d Carmine Rose, position 6/21 (1st State), BW 71(3)f - G30, dot before 1

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(Inc GST $0.91)

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1d Carmine Rose, position 6/21 (1st State), BW 71(3)f - G30, dot before 1

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(Inc GST $0.91)

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1d Carmine Red, position 6/22 (2nd State), BW 71(3)f - G31, thin left frame, postmarked 1918

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(Inc GST $1.36)

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1d red Plate 4 complete strip of 12 from bottom of sheet with JBC & CA Monograms BW 71(4)zd & zh

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(Inc GST $250.00)

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